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Address: Kapilvastu, Lumbini, Nepal

About Kapilvastu

  • Attraction country: Nepal

  • People visited this place: 0

  • Average tourist satisfaction: 0%

  • Timezone:

  • Things to do:


Toursian is the vibrant traveler's community that brings you all the essential information about Kapilvastu, a tourist destination located in kapilvastu-lumbini-nepal. Let Toursian be your trusted companion in crafting unforgettable experiences at Kapilvastu. By becoming a member of Toursian, you can actively participate in updating this description.

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Facts about Kapilvastu

Toursian is in the process of collecting all the necessary facts about Kuakata sea beach to provide a comprehensive guide for travelers. If you have any updates, facts, or suggestions for things to do at this destination, feel free to share them with us.

What are the opening hours of Kapilvastu?

Kapilvastu offering a delightful experience without any time restrictions.


Best season to visit Kapilvastu

The best season to visit this place is subjective and may depend on personal preferences. However, generally, the spring (March to May) and autumn (September to November) seasons are considered favorable due to pleasant weather and clearer skies.


Ticket price at Kapilvastu

Experience the wonders of Kapilvastu with no ticket charges.


Wheelchair accessibility of Kapilvastu

Wheelchair access is currently unavailable at Kapilvastu.


How much time it will take to visit around Kapilvastu?

The duration of exploring the Kapilvastu is subjective and depends on your pace and itinerary.


What demographic is Kapilvastu best suited for in terms of visitors?

Whether you're a solo traveler, a family with kids, or a group of friends, Kapilvastu provides an enjoyable experience for all.


How much family-friendly is Kapilvastu

Kapilvastu is highly family-friendly, providing a perfect setting for quality time with loved ones and creating lasting memories.


Internet facility in Kapilvastu

Whether it's for work or leisure, visitors to Kapilvastu can rely on the available internet facilities to stay connected and access online services.


Cost of living in Kapilvastu

Kapilvastu offers an economical living experience, providing visitors with a wide range of affordable accommodations, dining options, and activities.


Safety issues in Kapilvastu

Kapilvastu is dedicated to ensuring the safety of its visitors, with trained staff and appropriate safety measures in place to address any potential issues.


Night life in Kapilvastu

Kapilvastu is renowned for its lively nightlife, offering visitors a plethora of options for evening entertainment.


How much Female friendly is Kapilvastu

Women traveling to Kapilvastu can relax and enjoy their time knowing that the destination promotes a female-friendly environment.


Cashless facility in Kapilvastu

Experience the ease of cashless transactions at Kapilvastu, where visitors can enjoy the convenience of digital payment options


Things to do at Kapilvastu

As a travelers community Toursian aims to list all the interactive things to do here.

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